Today we kind of finished the first chapter of the book in Philosophy. I just wanted to write something we wrote in the class to you, about the first chapter, like a summary, before we are starting on the next one..
Hume maintains the position that all our knowledge comes from experience. As such, Hume is an Empiricist. He believes that we gain our ideas trought sense impressions, so our knowledge of the world is gained a posteriori.
Descartess and Spinoza are both Rationalists. They believe that we can gain knowledge a priori. They also maintain that we can have some knowledge innately. Descartes believes that out world is constructed on Mathematical and logical theory. Spinoza said that the more we understand; particular things the more we understand God.
Kant writes in his “Critique of Pure Reason” again the Rationalism and Empericist position. He seeks to synthesise the two possitions. In doing Kants believes that he can overcome the problems of empiricism and Rationalism. The issue for Kant is that we are not possive receivers of knowledge. For Kant we are active in forming our ideas of the world.
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